Lao letter low ton

Lao letter Kho Khouay

Lao letter Ngo Ngou

Lao letter Xo Xaang

Lao letter Gno Gnoung

Lao letter Tho Thoung

Lao letter No Nok

Lao letter Pho Phou

Lao letter Fo Fai

Lao letter Mo Maa

Lao letter Ro Rot

Lao letter Lo Ling

Lao letter Vo Vii

ອັກສອນສູງ - Les 6 consonnes hautes - The Lao high consonants

Lao letter Ho Heua

ຫັດຂຽນຫນັງສືລາວ - Les écritures lao - The Lao scripts


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